
My Laugfter Film☆★


People laugh because they are happy. People laugh when they feel nice. Embarrassing situations are fanny. Laugh develops one’s abdominal muscle, and laugh makes people happy and smile.

It is about Tetris.
The rule is funny because pieces are strange. Those pieces disappeared at the moment fall even if line is not completed, and green soybeans and Puyo-Puyo fell.

It is about happening.
The unexpected is bound to happen. There are many trouble scenes in this movie. For example, a man falls into hole and the door fell for the girl’s head suddenly and a girl ran into the window and a cheerleader was treaded on American football member’s foots and when a man was fishing at the fishing trench, he pulled by fish then he fell into the trench.

It is about a comic dialogue by two comedians.
Performing boys is Maeda-Maeda. They are sibling and still elementary school students. They are so cute.

6 件のコメント:

SugiEri さんのコメント...

Hi! Your blog is very pretty and easy to understand because you painted important parts in many colors. I want to read your blog again. See you.

Satch さんのコメント...

Hello! =D
Wow, your blog is pretty easy to see, it looks good!
Haha, I love Jinnai Tomonori's comedies too, he's awesome XD

Gachako さんのコメント...

It's nice color and very cute!

Blue Boze さんのコメント...

I also like Jinnai but I watched this movie first and this movie was very funny!!

★Putti★ さんのコメント...

Hellow!!I like the movie of Tetris☆ Tomonori Jinnai is always funny,isn't he? And another good point is your blog is very clear to read for me.Bye☆

Moomin さんのコメント...

I like Tomonori Jinnai's conte too!! Your blog is so cute and simple.