Tongariro National Park, Te Wahipounamu and Sub-Antarctic Islands were registered as a world heritage in New Zealand.
Nowadays Yakushima was registered as a world heritage in Japan.
To be brief, in Japan, we gather people reason of a world heritage but in New Zealand, they limit to into there reason of a world heritage. In Yakushima, the influence of people upon around trees is starting. Especially mountain trails are equipped, the amount of cars increased. Japan has a surplus of equipment and natures changed into artificial natures. We should have an idea that we keep the original state to having a limit of entrance. Milford Track and Routeburn Track are limited number of visitor to several people per a day in New Zealand.
The world heritage treaty has no penalty. However, nuclear states of the world heritage has own laws and systems. So, if you broke a world heritage, you would be punished by the law of the country.